Posts Tagged: business

PIN @rzarref rafael ferraz ai data

Navigating AI and Data: The Interplay for Business Success

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the interplay between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data has become the linchpin of business innovation and efficiency. As I mulled over the insights from the recent AI Summit in New York, one thing became increasingly clear: the biggest challenge in leveraging AI isn’t the[…]
PIN Habits of Likable leaders - rafael ferraz - product management-@rzarref

3 Habits of Likable Product Managers

Being likable, winning supporters, and building better products is an ability that you can learn. Product management is one of the most contradicting of all professions. Product Managers need to be product experts and an important thing: every day, we need to be aware that we know nothing and learning[…]
PIN data driven product strategy rafael ferraz

3 Keys To A Data-Driven Product Strategy

I believe that product management is a combination of intuition and science. Product decisions must balance inputs from feedback and information provided by customers, data, and insights from product and engineering teams. The product teams need focusing on adjusting their development priorities to enhance the customer experience, improve customer satisfaction,[…]

Robots Making Food

Robots can pour you a coffee, cook your dinner, and your dessert. However, just because robots make the food doesn’t mean that it hasn’t human- work to be done. At Creator, for example, the robot isn’t the point. The point is what the robot allows the restaurant to do—things that[…]
PIN rafael ferraz @rzarref thevaultsf how_to_innovate_in_an_increasingly_connected_world

How to innovate in an increasingly connected world

Many people believe creating a product or innovating, is a mysterious or magical thing. I receive many people from different countries here in San Francisco trying to understand why Silicon Valley is one of the most innovative places in the world, and how they can discover and create “the next[…]
PIN rafael-ferraz-@rzarref-the-startup-way-lean-startup

The Lean Startup and The Enterprise Transformation

I supposed that you heard about The Lean Startup, learned, or applied even some pieces of this method in your startup or in some product development that you tried to validate. If you are an entrepreneur, you probably know this methodology proposed in 2008 by Eric Ries, using his personal[…]
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